Thursday, October 26, 2006


That's 'War Torn Kosovo' to the cool kids...

To further my planning nerdness I have taken a position with UN Habitat in Kosovo as an 'International Municipal Spatial Planning Advisor'. Now if that ain't a wanky long title for planning nerd, nothing is...

I've been here two weeks and its taking time to settle in and for this country to sink in. Its hard to know where to start in describing what life is like here.

For a start, its reasonably safe. Probably as safe as many western countries are at any rate. Pristina is somewhere between a European city and a Middle Eastern one, with much of the relics of the former Communist days alongside the riches of the Muslim culture and the worst outcomes of a newly market driven economy.

As for planning, Pristina is a mess. Insane traffic, haphazard development and a mix of uses that often don't mix. Its dusty in summer, muddy/slushy in winter, the roads are potholed, pedestrians have to fight the cars for walking space and your ears are assaulted at every turn.

The pollution is terrible with the air and solid waste almost unbearable some days.

But there are some positives to find here. A beautiful mosque (or hundred), a city park in town and a regional park on the edge of town. Also people's homes are the welcome respite from the outside world and are kept as palaces - they even mop the carpet!

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