Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Where are all the insects?

After growing up in Australia, and especially after spending a year in Samoa, I have particularly noticed the distinct lack of insects here in Kosovo.
It's a bit spooky. There are almost no small flying bugs, I can't remember seeing any ants and apparantly last summer there were next to no mosquitos. I haven't seen many spiders either come to think of it.

A quick net search provided one possible explanation - the origin of Pyrethrum flowers is Yugoslavia and its "insecticidal efficacy" was known here since the 14th century. However, it seems this flower is a coastal flower, a long way from Kosovo.

Maybe its the thousands of black birds? The thick air pollution? or some kind of result of war?
Were there ever many insects in the past?

Any insect nerds out there? Please explain..

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