Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Eurovision as good as independence?

The Status of Kosovo is still somewhat up in the air, but I came across this article that shows what is REALLY important here. Its getting into Eurovision of course....
"Next year, predicts Selimi, Kosovo would see 'mass hysteria' if Flakareshat got to go to Eurovision. 'Even if we don't get a flag in front of the United Nations,' as a result of the current talks, he says, 'as long as we get that song in the Eurovision Song Contest, I think we will be pretty happy with it.'" kosovareport.blogspot.com


  1. Hi Natoishka,

    A comment completely unrelated to your post. My Mum has been reading your blog! She said one of your favourite books is one of hers: The God of Small Things.

    She says you might like to read An Unequal Music by Vikram Seth.

    xoxo Gervy and her Mum

  2. Wow, I have readers!
    Thank your mum for the tip Gervy! I'll have to add it to my Amazon wishlist...
